Forum of BSNL Executives Associations (AIGETOA, SNEA & AIBSNLEA) writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar jointly demanding regular Promotions to all the eligible Executives on Time Bound manner before Restructuring and any post reduction. Forum will be compelled to oppose any Restructuring and post reduction before Promotions. Click here for the letter to
BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi released Final All India Eligibility list-3 of JTO (Telecom) pertaining to the Recruitment Year 2009 to 2012. AIGETOA worked across the Circles to send the requisite data to BSNL CO as assured earlier and with untiring efforts of its rank and files, the AILE-3 finalized and issued. Click here for
Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar OS met with Shri P. K. Purwar ji, CMD BSNL in his chamber and discussed various issues pertaining to Restructuring, Stagnation in Promotion, Salary disbursement, 4G Service rollout, Cluster Penalty Issues, FTTH MSO/TIPs
Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS and Shri Vivek Kumar OS met with Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, Director (HR) BSNL Board in his chamber, which was attended by the PGM (Pers) and Sr GM(SR) BSNL CO New Delhi also. JTO
AIP Shri Ravi Shil Verma, AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar and AGS Shri Sunil Gautam met PGM Pers and held an extensive discussion with respect to JTO to SDE DPC and status there of. All the nitty gritties and teething problems if any were discussed and it is concluded that very soon we are going to